Does Omega 3 Help With Uneasy Sleep & Insomnia?

Poor sleep and insomnia come easily due to aging, hormonal changes, stress and anxiety, and a plethora of other reasons. Given that sleep is pretty essential for a healthy body and a great mood, not to mention enough energy throughout the day, managing sleep problems is crucial. If you’ve tried it all, from a glass of warm milk to white noise, and still struggling, you may find some solace in a regular intake of omega 3 supplements. 

How Does Omega 3 Contribute to Good Sleep Patterns?

With more and more focus on omega 3 as an alternative medicine as well as a general dietary component for good health, its role in sleep quality has also come to light. Various studies, involving different age groups, genders, and people with insomnia show positive results.

Wondering what makes omega 3 a wonder ingredient for sleep, just this one micronutrient in your diet? Let’s dive into the science connecting omega 3 and sleep.

Omega 3 improves cognitive function…

Omega 3 fatty acids EPA and DHA play a crucial role in cognitive health throughout all stages of your life. From the prenatal stage to old age, omega 3s support brain development. This includes enhancing language skills, logic, memory, and visual motor skills. 

Sleep problems and insomnia often have more to do with what’s going on in your head than anything else. Research shows that it is immensely beneficial to incorporate omega 3 fatty acids into your diet via fish products. And doing so regularly can enhance the quality of your sleep. Even for healthy individuals with relatively normal sleep habits, omega 3 is helpful. The micronutrient helps you fall asleep faster and increases your energy during the day. 

DHA boosts melatonin production…

In addition to boosting brain prowess, omega 3 fatty acid DHA also promotes the production of melatonin—i.e. the sleep hormone or nature’s sleeping pill! 

As a kid, you may remember being given a glass of warm milk before bed. What you did not know at the time was that this was to help you become drowsy. The real reason why that milk had a magical effect is melatonin, which helps you achieve a dreamy sleep. 

An interesting fact about DHA is that not only does it boost melatonin production—but research shows that low DHA levels also lead to melatonin deficiency.

By synchronizing with your body’s sleep-wake cycle, melatonin signals your nervous system that it’s time to unwind. As a result, it helps you relax and minimizes levels of alertness-inducing hormones. In fact, melatonin even helps regulate your body’s core temperature and blood pressure. 

Vitamin D in fish oil regulates sleep patterns…

Planning on getting your best fish oil supplement omega 3 from fish or fish oil supplements for sleep? You’re in further luck, as vitamin D is as effective as omega 3 fatty acids for improving your sleep. Vitamin D has a ton of benefits, many of which contribute to mental health and sleep patterns:

  • Vitamin D enhances cognitive function, helping combat sleep disorders, stress, anxiety, and other mental health issues that affect sleep quality.
  • Lethargy can affect sleep. You’re tired but your circadian rhythm is off. Vitamin D is effective against lethargy, hence helpful in establishing good sleep habits.
  • Studies show that vitamin D stimulates melatonin. The combination of omega 3 and vitamin D, both of which enhance melatonin in your body, is magical, to put it concisely!

Therefore, add fish oil to your dietary regime to up the levels of omega 3 and vitamin D in your body. Consuming it alongside an overall healthy diet and regular exercise is the perfect additional advantage for your sleep.

11 Important Benefits of Fish Oil, Based on Science

Anti-inflammatory properties combat obstructive sleep apnea…

Omega 3 fatty acids possess a remarkable ability to combat inflammation, which can be especially beneficial for you if you suffer from obstructive sleep apnea (OSA). 

DHA once again does the trick, as sufficient levels of fatty acid minimize the symptoms of OSA. Plus, DHA deficiency tends to make the symptoms of OSA more severe. Therefore, stocking up on fish oil may be in your health’s best interest if you suffer from this sleep disorder. 

Additionally, the anti-inflammatory properties of omega 3 may also contribute to improving heart health. This lowers the risks of cardiovascular complications in people with obstructive sleep apnea. Caring for your cardiac health is essential if you have been diagnosed with OSA. To reduce the risk of cardiovascular disease, make sure you’re getting enough omega 3.

Omega 3 addresses pregnancy-related sleep issues…

Some sleep issues stem from pregnancy and postpartum disorders. Experts have uncovered the connection between omega 3 and sleep quality for expectant mothers. Low levels of DHA can lead to poor sleep during pregnancy. This is because DHA deficiency increases inflammation and may even cause a shorter gestation period. 

The fatty acid DHA in particular is an effective component for cognitive function in both the gestating mother and fetus. Being a part of the grey matter of your brain, which manages memory and emotions amongst other aspects of mental health, it’s no surprise that adding DHA to your diet can boost your brain’s ability to make decisions, juggle emotions, and enhance sleep quality, amidst the humdrum of hormones. 

Additionally, there are studies that suggest babies born from mothers who keep up with sufficient levels of omega 3 have enhanced brain development and learning abilities down the line.

How Much Omega 3 to Take for Better Sleep?

Fresh fish is known for its Omega 3 benefits, but dietary sensitivities and potential toxins like mercury get in the way. That’s where high-quality fish oil supplements come in, offering a safe and effective alternative. Health experts recommend that healthy adults take 500-1000 mg of fish oil, with at least 300 mg of DHA for mental health benefits and better sleep quality. 

Final Thoughts on Omega 3 for Sleep

It’s important to remember that simply adding a supplement to your diet is not enough for great sleep or for combatting insomnia—even if we are talking about a wondrous supplement such as omega 3. 

Start with the right dosage of omega 3, every day. Pair it with a balanced diet, cut out sources of stress in your life, and engage in exercise regularly. Take omega 3 to boost your efforts for enhanced sleep, energy, and overall quality of life.